Monday, December 20, 2004

Comments on 'Systematics' by Anthony Blake

This morning I clicked on Systematics on page
Anthony Blake has written a marvellous introduction into this 'systems approach' to thinking.

Reading with my laptop made me note these comments:

Wholeness is relative. Yes. “Absolute Relativity” is one of my ‘principles’.

A progression of being is a process through time.
The ORDER of a system is its MAGNITUDE in measuring terms.
The degree of being is thus the FUNCTION of the ORGANISM.

‘Degree of inner togetherness’ is DENSITY in measuring terms.
‘Being’ becomes ‘phenomenon’ in physics terms.

Systems are organizations of elements or components and ways in which they interrelate. They are not scientific but mental ‘symbolised’ models. The quality of the model depends on the degree of insight of the 'modeller'.

We MUST distinguish between micro, anthropo and macro when we think ‘levels’. Micro is before a microscope. Anthropo is through our eyes. Macro is behind a telescope.

Yes, looking at SYSTEMS and turning them into MODELS is a way of making sense and giving meaning!

The hardest system to comprehend, and certainly model, is of course our own mind / body / soul system of thoughts / sensations / feelings…

PATTERNS of MEANING of UNIVERSAL IMPORT - what a lovely title!


Tony's ‘number systems’ in terms of monad, dyad, triad and tetrad, must not be generalized ‘across the board’ of personal philosophy, cosmology and pure thinking or mathematics where they become ‘dimensions’ (with 18 definitions in Microsoft Encarta!)...

I developed my insights by writing some 200 TABLES. My tables started out with 3 columns but are perfectly variable in terms of numbers of rows and columns as ‘systems of thought’. Similarly, my classification code is ‘flexible’ in terms of its numbers of levels and sub-levels.

Numbers and alphabets have an INHERENT order.

Number SYSTEMS (in the mathematical sense) ‘describe’ an inherent MAGNITUDE.

Tony (and everybody he quotes) seems to leave out ZERO from his list under NUMBER SYSTEMS!!!

N elements / dimensions / degrees of freedom can NOT be treated equally:
'Elements' are distinct objects.
'Dimensions' are orthogonal measuring axes used to count measuring units.
'Degrees of freedom' are angles that are counted.

So ‘counting’ is a different process in each of the systems!

NO, Mr Bennett: the meaning of every member of a number system [ N] is NOT the same for any such number system.

0 is not equal to 1 which is not equal to 2 etc.
Likewise, a system [0] is not equal to a system [1] or a system [2].

And CERTAINLY an element [N] of a system [N] is ‘SYSTEM INHERENT’: element {0} is not equal to an element {1}, etc.

With ‘3D TimeSpace’ I have indeed created a new topological space and I have a few other such spaces as ‘models’. Notice my topological banner on for my ‘Concept Maps’.

The meaning of any feature depends on context. Yeah, yeah, yeah!!!

Systems do provide contexts for their various parts!

The dyad is the fundamental principle of POLARITY. Polarities exist in micro- and macro-levels. What humans do on their anthropo-level is of course entirely due to their split / holistic minds…

Structure -> Presence -> Process
for me is
Structure (Space) -> Process (Time) -> Content (Phenomena)

As a ‘fundamental complement’, I’d translate
Forms -> Images -> Commentary
Shapes -> Movement -> Measures.


Above all else: a system / group of PEOPLE is rather a special kind of system compared to a system of atoms / molecules / computers / apples / animals, etc…

Onwards and Upwards into a new day of thinking by writing and talking...

Pythagoras and Time

As I am researching TIME – to prepare a response to Paolo Zellini’s book “A Brief History of Infinity”, I found this site which says that "Time is the sphere of what surrounds the world."

It also talks about the 'sacred dimension of the mind' which I like…

Sunday, December 19, 2004

What We Still Don't Know

This TV program on Channel IV is typical again for the fascination of 'space' and 'universes out there'. It is interesting that scientists consistently question god and 'purpose of design' rather than the underlying axioms, definitions and principles that form the current scientific framework. 'Multiverse' is the 'big idea' of Sir Martin Rees.

Obviously I can't blame anybody for not having come up with the answers that I have. But I certainly can go beyond a 'time line' and thus question the Big Bang. But scientists prefer to think about the origin and future of the universe than their own birth and their own death.

Science is in effect as much a religion of beliefs as spiritual organisations are. But here the 'god' is reason. Thus there reigns an intellectual arrogance which I find quite appalling: we are the most intelligent, the most complex, the most this and that. The masculine left brain rational mind has gone far enough. It's time to rebalance.

Let me know if you want to help in this rebalancing act!

A picture is not the reality...

Photo taken by former colleague Vittorio Frigo @ CERN, the European Centre for Nuclear Research in Geneva, Switzerland. When I started there, I thought that everybody knows about god, because everybody knows about the smallest and the largest in the universe... Posted by Hello

Gyroscopic spinning

Lionel R. Milgrom is a chemist and homeopath who gave me his article "Vitalism, complexity and the concept of spin". Am I glad to read that I'm not alone in my thinking! Only in the meticulousness necessary for programming and my German thoroughness I have gone further into the geometry, numerics and general mathematics of his ideas: we are all spinning in infinity in a multitude of simultaneously different ways.

"Quantity vs quality" is one of his titles which is exactly what my work on measuring has been about. Hence I set up "3D Metrics Ltd" as a company. Lionel refers to 'superradiance' - a 'coherent domain'. I call it "3D Resonance": the balanced proportion of 'whole units' in 'natural equilibrium'.

Quantum Understanding

Recently I met the most remarkable Anthony Blake who was seeking 'quantum coherence'. Thus I wrote "Quantum Understanding" in my poetic prose - a few pages on what is necessary to grasp conceptually, before we can make sense of the smallest in the micro- and the largest in the macro-cosm.

Having felt understood by him made me wonder whether there might be others 'out there' who might want to communicate rather than pontificate?

I shall upload the text to one of my websites.